Kittens on the move – again!

This morning Lola was rather too interested in the laundry basket, so I moved it into a shut room.  I had some PC work to do and when I went back in to check them they were gone from the ‘pouch’!

My neighbour came round to fix my side gate – he has replaced the rotten bit of wood it was hung on – and when he had gone I went and had a little look.  She has put them in the drawer under my bed that I had lined with a big bit of vet bed, so that’s better than where they were.  I’ll take a photo when I see her out somewhere else, so I can pull it out without her knowing. 😀

I checked them early this morning (before she moved them!) and they all look to be doing well – they are all strong and plump.  I’m having to clean a sticky eye or two but that’s nothing unusual at this age, as their eyes are opening.  BTW all their eyes are open now.

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