
Aren’t they lovely when they are asleep?

Aoife’s kittens are getting pretty adventurous and active now when they are awake, so it’s hard to get photos except when they are sleeping. One of them was meowing at the screen door last night as I went to bed, Aoife picked it up and took it back to the nest. Here they are in a

Aren’t they lovely when they are asleep? Read More »

Update on Aoife’s and Eadlin’s kittens

Aoife’s kittens are going from strength to strength and have gained weight really well over the past week.  They are starting to explore which horrifies her!  Below are the final set of ‘scales’ photos. I’ve not said much at all about Eadlin’s kittens as it’s been a torrid time of late.  It wasn’t as hot here as further

Update on Aoife’s and Eadlin’s kittens Read More »

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